The gut-immune connection

Our gut health plays a huge role in our immune function (or dysfunction). Most notably, about 70% of our immune system resides in the gut lining. Wild, right!?

That's because one of the most important aspects of developing an immune system has to do with our microbiome. Yes, billions if not trillions of bacteria in our digestive tract are actually helping educate, train & support our immune system. Yes, beneficial bacteria protect us against overgrowths and introduction of more harmful bacteria, and they are also protective and support our immune system in thwarting viral (like the cold & flu!) or parasitic invaders. This is one example of the important communication between our immune cells, and the bacterial cells that are living in our gut. 

While our gut houses most of our immune system, it can also be a host to other pathogens that we pick up along the way (truly, most of us have them!). This can send our immune system into a tizzy, either wiping out the gut immune system or totally stressing it out.

Another role that our microbiome plays is teaching immune cells like T-cells to differentiate between foreign invaders and our own tissues. When our system gets this wrong and attacks its own tissue, that is the beginning of an autoimmune condition. Though the science is young and there are so many mechanisms we don’t fully understand, there is clearly an important relationship between the health of our microbiome and the effectiveness and precision of our immune system. 

A depressed or wiped out immune system is more vulnerable to frequent colds and flus, whereas an upregulated or overactive immune system might be more inclined towards inappropriate overreaction as in the case of environmental allergies (is ragweed really something we need to get so worked up over? No, I didn’t think so) and even autoimmune conditions. 

So yes that chronic constipation, bloating, gas or acid reflux is absolutely connected to the immune challenges you might also be dealing with. Even if you're not experiencing digestive symptoms but your immune system needs better regulation, we always start with the gut: flooding the system with nutrients & rebalancing the microbiome. 

Some things you can do you to support your gut AND immune system: 

  • Diversify and support your microbiome with raw fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir & yogurt. Probiotic foods have sometimes dozens more different strains of beneficial bacteria & yeast than a probiotic supplement

  • A high quality probiotic (like a spore-forming, or soil based formula) can provide certain ‘keystone’ strains, which benefit the whole microbe ecosystem! 

  • Plenty of fresh fruits & vegetables, which not only provide many immune-supportive nutrients like vitamin C & antioxidants, but are also essential to feed the diverse microbes we’re aiming for

  • Drink loads of water. If you’re not already getting 60 oz of water per day, aim for at least that! About 75% of the US is chronically dehydrated. Proper hydration is immensely important for our bodies (and immune systems!) to thrive; we’re made up of about 60% water! 

  • Remove triggers that might be stressful to your system or aggravate the immune system. These triggers can be different depending on YOUR body & environment. Things like gluten, soy, and corn are some of the most common dietary stressors. Dietary triggers are often the most prevalent form of immune activation or suppression

Do you have questions or need some support with your immune system and gut health? Feel free to shoot me a message at