You’ve tried all the supplements, you’re avoiding gluten and dairy, you’re exercising and sleeping, but you’re missing one really important part of the period pain puzzle…
Certain nutrients are not only in higher demand when we’re dealing with blood sugar imbalances or insulin resistance, but lack of these nutrients can make insulin resistance worse.
The liver is a central organ to several very important systems – digestion, detoxification, sex hormone balance, blood sugar, iron and other nutrient status, thyroid function…
Inflammation is protective by design (we can’t heal without inflammation), but can become destructive when it becomes chronic, and is left unchecked. Clues in your blood work can tell you a lot about your inflammation levels.
For those that trend towards inflammation, oxidative stress, and chronic health issues - taking a deeper look at the chemical exposures we have every day can be pivotal for your health.
Exercise has dozens of health benefits, no one is arguing that - but it can also be detrimental to our sleep, hormones, mood and more when we’re overdoing it.