Everyday toxins that impact our health

There are a lot of things we do for our health that involve DAILY choices (to exercise, to eat a few vegetables, to turn off the TV and get to bed on time…). Those are important for supporting our healthiest selves…but they are also the most energy + time intensive things we do for our health.

So I want to share some easy ways we can live healthier, happier lives - that involve quick, one-time swaps, and then you don’t have to think about it again.

I’m talking about personal and home care products.

Most conventional creams, fragrances, soaps, detergents, and sprays contribute to the overall toxin burden (and therefore stress load) of your system. Here are some examples:

  • BPA in plastic tupperware, trash bags, single use plates + plastic cups, etc. (Even BPA-free alternatives contain nearly identical chemical compounds)

  • Phthalates in plastics, beauty products, and paper receipts, and drinking water disrupt hormone signaling in the human body, which can impact fertility, pregnancy, and child growth + development.

  • Heavy metals like lead, aluminum, cadmium and arsenic are found in high levels in lipstick + mascara, antiperspirant, home cleaning products + disinfectants, and drinking water.

  • PFAS, known as forever-chemicals due to their inability to be removed from the human body, from non-stick cookware, takeout containers + food packaging, coated paper products, and hair care + beauty products, and drinking water. Learn more about PFAS in the link below.

These chemicals have a number of harmful impacts on our body (on our hormones, liver function, inflammation, and more), and trust me - it’s working hard to get rid of them as fast as they’re being introduced! But due to the sheer volume of exposure, it can be hard for your system to keep up.

Reducing exposure to these types of chemicals + toxins wherever possible is a huge step forward for reducing the stress burden on your body, and improving long term health. Particularly for those that trend towards inflammation, oxidative stress, and chronic health issues - taking a deeper look at the exposures we have every day can be pivotal.

Here are some one-time swaps for a lower toxin home environment:

  • Swap out non-stick teflon pans for better options like enamel coated cast iron, stainless steel, durable glass baking ware, or cast iron (https://wellnessmama.com/natural-home/non-toxic-cookware/)

  • Swap out plastic tupperware for glass food storage

  • Get a good quality water filter - a fridge filter, or standard Brita pitcher, likely isn’t enough. I use a “Clearly Filtered” pitcher, but there are a lot of options for water filtration depending on your needs + parameters (counter top vs installation vs faucet attachment, water contaminants, price, and more)

  • Buy cleaner deodorant (I use Tom’s brand, and here are some other options: https://organicbeautylover.com/wellness/best-natural-deodorants/)

  • Opt for non-toxic lines of home cleaning products like 7th Generation, Ecos, Common Good, or Branch Basics for laundry + dishwasher detergent, surface cleaners, and more.

  • Swap out beauty + personal care products for non-toxic alternatives from quality brands (I mostly use BeautyCounter makeup, and here are some other options https://thevou.com/beauty/non-toxic-makeup-brands/)

These are just a few ways we can start to lower the toxin burden on our bodies. Anytime you’re buying something new, do some research on non-tox versions to upgrade it with. This doesn’t have to be all at once, but when you’re ready to upgrade your cookware, or run out of your deodorant, use that as an opportunity to invest in something good for you.

Little changes over time add up to big results.