Are you ready to finally resolve your digestive issues so they stop interrupting & dictating your life?
Imagine finally being able to go on trips and eat out with friends without desperately looking for the bathroom, experiencing extreme bloating, or being constipated for a week straight.
Right now you’re probably planning your day, vacations or hobbies based on your digestion, and feeling frustrated that you say ‘no’ to hiking with your family and road-trips with friends.
Does this sound familiar?…
You’re struggling with digestion; constipation or diarrhea, and gas & bloating are getting in the way of the rest of your life... time with family, plans with friends, trips & activities are all LESS fun because you’re dealing with gut issues
You’re not sure what foods are going to make you feel sick, bloated or foggy so you’re avoiding everything, OR saying ‘to hell with it, I’m gonna feel like crap anyway’, OR doing a little bit of both because eliminating everything isn’t sustainable in the long run so you’re ready throw in the towel & accept a stomach ache or sitting on the toilet all night
You’re anxious about hiking, biking, or going to the beach with friends because who knows where the nearest bathroom might be, oh… and you dread plane rides, road trips & overnights for pretty much the same reason
You can’t focus at work because your stomach is cramping and you’re trying to navigate meetings & trips to the bathroom
You might feel clogged & bloated more days than not
You’ve tried probiotics, cleanses, an elimination diet or two, or medications and nothing seems to work long term
You’ve had all the scopes, tests, and other assessments and your doctor says they’re normal 😳, or to “wait & come back when it gets worse”...
In addition to all this digestive stuff... you might be struggling with your skin, painful periods, and low energy
You’re DONE fitting in the rest of your life AROUND your digestive symptoms!
Nodding along to nearly all of that!?
OK come with me…
Eat some of your favorite foods again, without heartburn, a sprint to the bathroom, or blowing up like a hot air balloon
Have confidence in your body & more freedom and spontaneity in your schedule without worrying about where the nearest bathroom is, or when you might finally be able to poop again
Tackle what you need to in work and life, because you’re finally feeling GOOD in your body
Focus on what’s important, because you’re not taking up brain space on bathroom trips, scheduling around your inflammation flares, or literally missing days from period pain
Get back to living life & doing the things you love with the people you love!
Now imagine how it would feel to…
Welcome to NR1:1
Let’s take on gut healing together & reclaim your seamless digestion so you can stop worrying and start living.
NR1:1 is my signature 1-on-1 coaching program where I take clients from constipated, distended, gassy, or struggling with diarrhea and guide them through healing using food, lifestyle & natural remedies to optimize digestive function, gut health & microbiome balance.
Let’s get you back to doing the things you love with the people you love!
What makes NR1:1 different?
We uncover & address the root cause. Instead of masking & managing symptoms, let’s get to the root of the issue. We will work to resolve your symptoms in the long run, and improve energy, sleep, skin, hormones, and inflammation while we’re at it.
You get an individualized care plan & accountability. Let’s be honest, if you could get your answers from a podcast or Dr. Google, you would have them by now.
We use data & lab testing to understand where your system needs more support and what different blockers to your healing might be. From the very first visit, we’re looking at data and using that to put together an individualized plan for YOU.
We’re rebelling against diet-culture. With a weight-neutral approach, we take the focus off weight-loss & restriction, so you’re not stuck in a restrictive cycle reaching for unsustainable, short-term results. Your overall health & happiness is the goal, and we’re not measuring that on the scale.
We partner together to develop a unique-to-you plan that works with your life instead of against it. Diet changes, supplements, & lifestyle shifts can be HARD to make routine, so we work together to make sure it’s practical within your life.
Throughout NR1:1, you will:
Eat for nourishment, healing & pleasure, not from a place of restriction or ‘diet-mentality’, so that you can find more freedom with food and not feel like you’re ‘missing out’ all the time
Rediscover what it’s like to have ‘perfect poops’ (those are my client’s words!) & seamless digestion 💩
Learn strategies to support gut health & improve digestion for years to come, so you’re in the driver’s seat next time there’s a flare or change in your digestion
Connect to yourself & prioritize your own wellbeing, so you can show up & be the friend, caregiver, child, or partner you WANT to be. It’s hard to be present when you’re distracted by digestive symptoms & calculating in the back of your mind
Focus on what’s important in your life: doing the things you love with the people you love without having to worry about where the bathroom is, or how you might feel after a meal
Release the stress you’ve developed and gain more confidence in your body, and less worry about digestion
Understand why nothing you’ve tried has worked for you before, while we implement new strategies developed with your body in mind
Eating and digestion is complicated! You’ll walk away with a simplified approach that reduces all of the noise and only focuses on what will work for you. You will be armed with information about YOUR BODY so that you can make informed eating and digestion decisions for the rest of your life
As a member of NR1:1, you will have:
An in-depth onboarding session with me, where we dive into all facets of your health & digestion, so we can start making changes right off the bat
Access to top-notch functional lab testing, to assess gut health & food sensitivities, and other blockers to your healing, depending on your symptoms & preferences. Do you really need to eliminate certain foods? This will let us know!
Monthly sessions to check in on how you’re doing, make adjustments & progress through new phases of healing so you’re seeing improvements & positive changes month after month
Email access to me throughout. It’s not a one-and-done kinda deal; you will be supported along the way!
Personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and professional line supplement recommendations coming out of our first session of the program
Access to my library of video guides, links, and other resources. When it comes to improving our health & reducing stress on our system it’s about way more than just food!
The investment:
Working in a 1:1 program with me means we can get great results, but requires a significant investment. Financially, but also emotional and time investment. The financial investment ranges from ~$1,200- $2,500+ and I reserve my 1:1 practice for those that are ready to dive in.
Are you ready to transform your digestion & not let it rule your life?
Do you want to get back to doing the things you love with the people you love?
“Yes, I’m IN! What’s the next step?”
I want to make sure I am the right practitioner for you, to ensure we are as successful as possible. Step 1, let’s hop on a discovery call to see if working together is a good fit! Booking a discovery call does not commit you to moving forward with the NR1:1 program.
Yep, I used to be you
Hi there!
I’m Juliet, and 6 years ago I was just about where you are now… dealing with ‘random’ symptoms, no matter what I ate, and it was only getting worse! I consistently struggled with inflammation & food sensitivities, insomnia & anxiety, and that was on TOP of all the digestive stuff going on…
For years my body was giving me signals that things weren’t working properly. I dismissed them, or learned all sorts of tricks to mask & manage them. I was so focused on the size & shape of my body, I didn’t really care about my insides (and actually made matters worse…) until my body was shouting so loudly, that I had no choice but to listen & really do something about it.
That kick started my journey into healing with REAL food. After a few months of deep gut healing, my digestion normalized, and I was able to eat & enjoy some of my favorite foods again! These were foods that once gave me almost instant digestive issues, days of itchy skin, sleeplessness & anxiety symptoms. I was STUNNED.
I loaded up on my own research, worked with a few practitioners, and eventually got my certification in functional nutrition. Then I piled on 3 more courses in advanced functional testing, because THAT is what can take you from guess & check, and working in broad strokes, to targeted strategies that address your unique blockers to healing.
I wasn’t able to find a functional practitioner who offered these lab tests that I needed, when I was where YOU ARE right now. I could have saved SO much time & money if I’d had a better idea of what I was up against. So, I am excited & honored to be that practitioner for you.
You CAN live & move through life without stressing about digestion or how food will make you feel. I can’t wait to help you get there in NR1:1.
NR1:1 is for you if...
You are struggling with digestion on a day to day basis; it’s interrupting & impacting your life
You’re ready to put the Imodium, laxatives, Tums, or other prescriptions on the back burner
You are sick of trying “all the things” & you don’t know who to believe on the internet
You’re not sure what works, or why it’s not working for you
You’re committed to making big changes in your life, and ready to see where some serious gut healing and a root-cause approach can take you!
NR1:1 is not for you if…
You’re struggling with an active eating disorder, or a disordered relationship with food & your body
Your primary goal is to lose weight
You’re looking for a quick fix or overnight results
You need a detailed meal plan
You’re not open to trying something new
What are you waiting for? Let’s get to it!
Why now?
I know you’ve been dealing with disruptive digestive symptoms for a WHILE! And it’s not going to resolve just on it’s own (the ol’ wait and see, or ‘come back when it’s worse’ does not sit well with me 🙄), and I know you don’t want to be sitting here next year, wishing you’d done this a year ago. Start putting what’s truly important first, and your future self will THANK YOU.
Another factor, due to the level of support NR1:1 clients receive, spots are limited and fill up quickly!
Let’s get started & book a discovery call to see if this is the right program for you.
I’ve tried things before and nothing has worked long term, how do I know this is right?
I am so sorry, that’s unbelievably frustrating! Of course I can’t promise results, but I am confident we will be going above & beyond the work you’ve done in the past (either at-home DIY, or even other nutritionists). The best thing we can do is to hop on a discovery call. I will get a better idea of what you’ve tried & why it might not have worked for you.
How much is the 1:1 program?
It really ranges. Anywhere from ~$1500 to $2500+ (structured as monthly payments not as a lump sum) based on how long we work together, and other factors like testing & supplements. Costs of lab tests & supplements vary, and are not included in the cost of the program. Once I have a better idea of your starting place, we can talk about how long our work together might be & the best testing options for you.
I’m not sure I can afford this.
This work is not quick, cheap, or easy, I know that. But it can be so powerful & effective. After years, or even a lifetime of discomfort, anxiety & your digestion running the show, imagine how much you will SAVE: money, stress, time, confidence, and spontaneity, by investing in yourself now. I know it might be hard to prioritize investing in yourself, but I am confident that this is also an investment in your family, your friends, your mental health, your work & your future.
Of course at a certain point, I know all of the reframing in the world doesn’t help if you just aren’t able to make it work financially. If you’re eager to start this work, and money is the only thing holding you back, I offer a pay-what-you-can program to make my practice more accessible & inclusive. Priority for this program is given to those belonging to minority & underrepresented groups. Please fill out this application, and I will reach out shortly!
How long does the program last?
I do not offer a set program length, because it varies from client to client depending on your starting point & health goals. While most of my clients work 1:1 with me for 6 months or more, the minimum commitment is 3 months, which allows you to apply new things & see real change.
What will I have to change or give up?
The short answer: it depends.
Some people come to me when they’re doing ‘the most’, and need to refine a bit more, others come to see me when they’re not even sure where to begin.
While this is unique to each client, I can tell you that we will be working with diet changes (likely eliminations, at least in the short term), adding in some targeted supplementation & making lifestyle tweaks. Change is challenging at the beginning. I have this conversation with each client! Our aim is not to deprive or restrict you, so let’s make sure your food is just as delicious if not even better, and you’re feeling satisfied throughout.
Can’t I find a podcast or e-book to guide me through this?
Potentially! But podcasts don’t go into specific protocols for rebalancing the gut (for good reason!), and e-books can’t order functional labs :(
Jokes aside, there is a ton of great information out there, and there’s also a ton of terrible advice out there. Either way, most of it isn’t looking at your unique symptoms, health history & lab markers to devise a plan for YOU.
My doctor says all my labs are normal… What if I can’t be fixed?!
Being told “everything is normal” when you KNOW it’s not is one of the most frustrating experiences! Often what’s ‘lab normal’ is not the same as what’s truly optimal or where YOU might feel your best. Interpreting lab work with optimal ranges in mind gives us a much better idea of where things are going wrong.
AND, very few conventional doctors use the types of comprehensive lab testing that I do. This means we’re looking at imbalances in your gut microbiome (what’s growing in there?!) & digestion markers (are you breaking foods down?). This gives us a huge leg up on conventional scopes & other types of stool testing.
Do you have more questions?
Feel free to shoot me an email at or sign up for a Discovery Call (below!) so we can chat & learn a little more.