Pay-what-you-can application

Nutrition Riot strives to provide nutritional therapy services to people of all shapes, sizes, races, cultures, sexual identities and orientations, and socioeconomic statuses.

To improve accessibility, I offer 2 spots to work with me 1:1 at a ‘pay what you can’ rate.

This work is an investment in yourself; even beyond money, this requires emotional & time investments as well. If the cost is the only thing holding you back from making big changes in your health, I’m excited to start this journey with you!

Please note that Nutrition Riot gives priority of open pay-what-you-can spots to folks in underrepresented, minority communities. By filling out an application, you are not guaranteeing a spot or committing to working with Nutrition Riot.

If you are interested in applying for a pay-what-you-can spot, please fill out the form below!