Join me for the Nutrition Riot RESET!

Starting January 2021


Are you thinking about a fresh start in January?

January is a classic time to hit the ‘reset’ button - so let’s make sure you stick with it, and get the reset you’re looking for!

There are two parts to this program. It’s both (i) a 6 week long online group course to introduce and understand the foundations of nutrition; AND (ii) a supportive environment to complete a gut-healing, anti-inflammatory and blood-sugar-balancing elimination diet protocol. While New Year’s often brings about resolutions for dieting and weight loss - I want to be really clear that this program is not for restrictive eating with a goal of losing weight. I believe there are many more important (and accurate!) measures of health, beyond a number on the scale.*

If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind human nutrition, broaden your culinary and dietary horizons, restore your own health, and resolve pesky digestion, fatigue, hormonal or skin issues while we’re at it - this course is for YOU!

What are the details? 

(1) 6 weekly calls (calls will be recorded if you’re unable to make it on occasion)

(2) guidance through a paleo-style elimination diet

(3) a private group to ask questions, share recipes, and support each other

(4) new recipes to inspire you within the protocol template 

(5) weekly handouts with details on each topic  


Are you ready for a little more Support and accountability in your health?


This program is for those who want to: 

  • Discover the benefits of properly prepared whole foods 

  • Address inflammation and support immune function

  • Improve gut health 

  • Balance energy levels, hunger, and hormones

  • Take a much needed break from sugar, alcohol, and refined foods

  • Feel motivated and supported from a group setting

What we’ll be learning

The ‘elimination diet’

An elimination diet is recognized as the gold standard for uncovering hidden food intolerances, healing the gut, bringing inflammation levels down, and tailoring a food plan that works best for your body! This is designed as a short term tool to enhance healing of the digestive tract, rebalance blood sugar, and reduce inflammation. Following the elimination period of the protocol, we will reintroduce foods to better understand how well we actually tolerate food we’ve maybe always eaten.

Course Material

  • Basics of Human Nutrition

    • The human diet

    • Evolution of the modern diet

  • Digestion & Elimination

    • Importance of absorbing nutrients

    • How digestion is supposed to work

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

    • Rebalance from chronic hunger and fatigue

    • Role of blood sugar in sex hormone balance and inflammatory diseases

  • Healthy Fats

    • What are ‘healthy’ fats?

    • The role of fats in inflammation

  • Micronutrients

    • Beyond RDAs: how many micronutrients do we need?

    • Can you get all your nutrients through diet alone?

  • Hydration

    • Hydrating from cell to system

    • Importance of quantity and quality

the nudge you’re looking for to kick-off new habits?


*This is not intended as a weight-loss program or a restrictive diet. Topics of body composition or size may come up, as we discuss changes in our body associated with a change in diet, like we would changes in sleep or skin symptoms. If you have a history of disordered eating or are susceptible to restriction mindsets, please connect with me and we can discuss if this program is right for you.