Are you ready to get to the bottom of your gut issues and inflammation?


I believe that food can be one of the most powerful tools we have to navigate our health. I take a foundational and food-first approach to help resolve digestive issues, insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances.


What people are saying

“My life has completely changed through this work. I thought that feeling shitty all the time was what it felt like to age into your mid-30s. I feel like I have my brain, memory, and energy back. I feel like myself again. I overall have way fewer symptoms of depression/anxiety. I went from having chronic diarrhea for 6 years to pooping well formed poops every day now for almost a year. I haven’t had any blistering eczema episodes in almost two years now. I no longer have painful breasts leading up to my cycle, and no longer have debilitating period cramps. My chronic back pain is almost completely gone. And, most recently, I’ve been able to reintroduce almost all of my food sensitivities that previously triggered crazy autoimmune symptoms. I was sick for such a long time that I still expect to arrive at different plateaus in my healing—Juliet has been there the entire way as we continue to peel back layers of the onion (through gluten, food sensitivities, parasites, mold…).”

Working with Juliet was truly life changing. I always thought nutritionists preached restriction and this couldn't be further from the truth. With Juliet I learned how to combine certain foods and eat them in a timing that helped me achieve better energy levels and better digestion, as well as learning about how my food choices today affect the way my genes express themselves and how I age! I also haven't had any PMS symptoms whatsoever ever since the first month of supplements which is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for your kindness and your generosity with your time and your knowledge!”

“I have suffered with stomach issues for my entire adult-life with no answers as to what was causing them. Even after paying lots of money to have a colonoscopy, they came back with no answers.

A huge source of anxiety for me used to be travel and how my stomach would react. I worried about being stuck on a plane/train/car (you name it!) and feeling sick, without being near an accessible bathroom. This lack of control was paralyzing and I truly felt like I could not enjoy my life. However, working with Juliet confirmed that this all was not just in my head, and that I actually had legitimate sensitives and inflammation.

We ran some tests, used supplements and found out what was actually causing my stomach aches and issues and worked together to try to mend the problems in a holistic way. Not only did she focus on foods and supplements, but she also introduced lifestyle and well-being tactics that were super helpful.

Her empathy and desire to truly get to the root cause of the issue was so refreshing and amazing to experience! Now, I am living my life with so much more control. I know what foods trigger me and I should probably stay away from, and I continuously listen to my body and it's feedback if something doesn't feel good. Although I will always have anxiety, it is not as debilitating as it was before and I no longer feel that huge sense of fear that I previously did. I'm so happy that I can now go on trips and not be worried the whole time about how I am going to feel!”