Face it - your digestion is a mess.

It’s a constant, nagging factor in your life.

Does this sound familiar?…

  • You’re dealing with slow digestion or struggling with bouts of diarrhea, or sometimes switching between the two

  • You feel bloated, tired & uncomfortable after meals, but you’re not sure what it is or why it happens to you

  • You miss out on time with family, friends, or just ‘enjoying the moment’ because of these uncomfortable digestive symptoms

  • You have thought about making diet or lifestyle changes (Is it gluten? Or dairy? Should I try going vegan? What’s a  FODMAP?) but not sure where to even start

  • Or maybe you’ve tried to make some changes, but you weren’t able to follow-through to see how it made you feel

  • You might notice skin symptoms like acne & eczema, hormone imbalances resulting in painful periods or poor sleep, and immune issues like food or environmental allergies, or autoimmune conditions, since our digestive tract has SUCH a big role in our overall health

  • You know you could be doing more to feel better each day with diet changes & better lifestyle habits but you’re not even sure what works, or where to start

Ready to kick start your gut healing & ditch the discomfort, so you can do things you love to do without uncomfortable & frustrating digestive symptoms?


→ Your digestive symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or gas & bloating weren’t dictating your life so you’re enjoying your everyday without worrying where the nearest bathroom is, or when the last time you pooped was 

→ You’re feeling more confident in yourself & your body, and you’re excited for an outdoor excursion or a day trip with friends without bloating and exhaustion.

→ You have an understanding of what things make you feel your BEST and you have habits built for your success so you’re not up late asking Dr. Google for quick fixes that don’t actually work for you long term

→ You’re sleeping well at night instead of tossing & turning, or giving in to that late night scroll, so you have more energy to move your body, more focus during the day, and more presence with friends & family 

→ You’re eating foods that you know nourish your body, and you actually feel GOOD after meals and throughout the day instead of feeling bloated, sluggish & uncomfortable

Just imagine how your life would be different if:

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Yes, that place exists - let’s go there together! 

This is exactly why I created Digestion Therapy…

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Welcome to Digestion Therapy

Digestion Therapy is a group program for people who are ready to kick start their gut healing, put chronic digestive issues to bed, and get back to focusing on what really matters like spending time with friends or family, kicking ass at work, truly resting & relaxing or just enjoying the simple moments.

→ Do you feel bloated, tired & uncomfortable after meals, but you’re not sure what it is or why it happens to you?

→ Are you anxious about traveling, because you don’t have constant access to a bathroom? 

→ Are you thinking about how food might affect you, or weighing pros/cons of how it’ll make you feel?  

→ Have you thought about making diet or lifestyle changes to see if they work, but not sure where to even start?

→ Do you have a tough time sticking with something long enough to see real improvement & results?

This program was created with YOU in mind!


What makes Digestion Therapy different?

  • We are focused on just that: digestion! We’re going deeper than just ‘health & wellness’ coaching - because I know you’re looking for more than that

  • It’s learning AND doing. So we combine not only a whole lot of info on the what, how and WHY our digestion gets out of whack...but we’re also going to be working on healing throughout! This is not just a how-to, we’re going to be implementing along the way so you can experience the benefits of gut healing

  • Healing is not one-size-fits-all, and I believe that to my CORE. That’s why I want to spend 1:1 time with each of you! So we can investigate what your unique blockers to healing might be, and come up with a game plan you can run alongside the work we’re doing together as a group

  • You’ll have access to me throughout for questions & support. 

  • We will have a private group forum where you can ask questions, get support & accountability from the rest of the group, share advice or things that you discover along the way! 

  • This is not weight-loss or restriction focused. The goal is to nourish our bodies & support our healthiest selves. Being hungry all the time does NOT serve us

  • We’re not just working with food. There are so many other factors that go into our digestive function and overall health. We’re going to be working on building other habits that support our health as a full human like daily movement, stress management & sleep, because you are more than just your digestive tract

By the end of Digestion Therapy you’ll experience first hand the healing power of real whole foods, an individualized 1:1 approach, and mastering the foundations of wellness which includes hydration, movement, sleep & stress.

You’ll have an action plan and the know-how to continue gut healing, support better digestion, live your happiest & healthiest life for literally years to come without having to worry about when your digestion might decide to rebel or shut down.

Let’s Peak inside Digestion Therapy…!

  • An 8-week container, focused on improving digestion & healing the gut. 

  • Five (5) live group calls held on Zoom. These will be recorded, in case you can’t make it to the calls live. In these calls we’re going to talk about how food can be supportive in our gut-healing journey, how digestion works, where it goes wrong & what to do about it, and what ELSE goes into gut healing beyond just food! 

  • One 45 minute 1:1 call with me so we can get into the details of your health presentation & goals. This individualized approach is so key when we’re working on digestion, since there are so many different pieces that might need to be supported in different ways.

  • Since we’re diving into what’s driving the particular imbalances & dysfunction, we will go over suggestions on additional supplements that will be supportive to YOU. These suggestions are completely optional, and would be paid separately from the course.

  • Outside of the group calls & 1:1 call, we will be connected in a private Facebook group so we can stay connected, ask questions, share recipes & offer support between calls throughout the course!

Are you ready to kick start your gut healing and finally ditch the discomfort & poop like a pro?


Join me inside digestion therapy!

Get access to Digestion Therapy, and kick-start your gut healing & addressing those pesky digestive symptoms for only $497.

Registration closes Friday January 21st, and our first call is January 25th.

Yep, I used to be you

Hi there! 

I’m Juliet, and 6 years ago I was just about where you are now…dealing with ‘random’ symptoms, no matter what I ate, and it was only getting worse! I consistently struggled with inflammation & food sensitivities, insomnia & anxiety, and that was on TOP of all the digestive stuff going on…


For years my body was giving me signals that things weren’t working properly. I dismissed them, or learned all sorts of tricks to mask & manage them. I was so focused on the size & shape of my body, I didn’t really care about my insides and it actually made matters worse. Eventually, my body was shouting so loudly, that I had no choice but to listen & really do something about it.

That kick started my journey into healing with real food. After deep gut healing, my digestion was normalizing, and I was able to eat & enjoy some of my favorite foods again! These were foods that once gave me almost instant digestive issues, days of itchy skin, sleeplessness & anxiety symptoms. I was STUNNED.

I loaded up on my own research, worked with several practitioners, and eventually got my certification in functional nutrition (and then some!). I now work with clients on bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, immune challenges & autoimmune, fatigue and hormonal imbalances.

You CAN live & move through life without stressing about digestion or how food will make you feel. I can’t wait to help you get started in Digestion Therapy.

Digestion therapy is for you if... 

→ You know that your digestion is not normal, but you’re not sure where to start or why it’s off 

→ You are struggling with digestion on a day to day basis; it’s interrupting & impacting your life

→ You’re ready to put the Imodium, laxatives, Tums, or other prescriptions on the back burner

→ You don’t know where to start when it comes to thinking about how diet, and lifestyle impact your digestion and how you feel on a day to day basis

→ You’re not sure what works, or what will work for YOU!

→ You want to learn how to nourish yourself for better digestion, energy, sleep, skin & hormones 

→ You’re committed to making changes (with support, of course!), and ready to see where some serious gut healing and a root-cause approach can take you!

NR1:1 is not for you if…

→ You’re struggling with an active eating disorder or have disordered thoughts around food

→ Your primary goal is to lose weight

→ You’re looking for a quick fix 

→ You need a detailed meal plan

→ You’re not open to trying something new

→ You’re not open to including any animal products in your diet

→ You already feel like you’ve tried everything to heal your digestion. If you’ve already worked with a functional practitioner, done stool testing or other protocols before, or know that it’s a more complex case. If so, you may be a good fit for working with me 1:1 instead of joining Digestion Therapy. If you’re not sure, send me an email at juliet@nutritionriot.com and we can decide what’s best for you together!

What are you waiting for? Let’s get to it! 

Why now? 

I’m limiting the group size so I can give plenty of support & 1:1 access to those inside Digestion Therapy.

This is the lowest price it will ever be (the price will be going up next time)

I know you don’t want to wait. Wait to see results, improvements, to feel confident in yourself & your body, and actually excited for that excursion, instead of dreading what other ideas your stomach might have that day - come join me in Digestion Therapy! 


What if I can’t make it to the live calls?

All calls will be recorded and you can watch on your own time if the live call doesn’t work for you. Plus you’ll have access to them for the lifetime of the program - yep, beyond our 8 weeks together!

I’ve tried other diet changes before, how do I know this will work for me? 

Of course I can’t make promises on how you’ll feel during & after this program. 

BUT here’s what I can tell you.

There are so many different changes you can make to diet & lifestyle. Digestion Therapy can offer a new and more holistic approach to gut healing and supporting overall wellness. In addition to the whole-person approach, we’re bringing the importance of bio-individuality to the table. Oftentimes for more deep rooted or long-standing dysfunction, a bio-individual approach is so much more successful than the generic diet changes you might have tried before. 

However, if you feel like you’re ‘doing everything right’ right now, and you’re not seeing improvement, we might need to investigate more deeply than this course will allow. Feel free to reach out to me, if you’re not sure you can benefit from the changes we’ll make in this program.

I can’t afford Digestion Therapy 

True gut healing & the process we explore in Digestion Therapy is not quick, easy, or cheap. But it can be so powerful & effective. After years, or even a lifetime of discomfort, anxiety & your digestion running the show, imagine how much you will SAVE: money, stress, time, confidence, and spontaneity, by doing this healing now. I know it might be hard to prioritize investing in yourself, but I am confident that this is also an investment in your family, your friends, your mental health, your work & your future. 

This is also the most affordable way to work with me on digestion in order to make real changes & get personalized coaching from me as my 1:1 programs start at ~$2,500 (paid over our time working together).

Can’t I find this information for free somewhere? 

Yep, I guess most of it you probably can! That doesn’t mean you’ll find it, or apply it, or stick with it long enough to see real improvement. The benefit of a group program and working with a practitioner is that you have personalized guidance & accountability during the tough period of instilling new habits & making changes (sometimes for the first time!).

PLUS - you’ll be getting personalized recommendations based on your unique needs, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions & get support from me throughout. 

Ultimately, if free information was working for you, you’d feel better by now.

How much will this program add to/change my daily, weekly schedule?

Our group calls will be about an hour on Tuesday nights (though not every week, we have 5 calls throughout the 8 weeks together). If you can’t make the live call, you can watch or listen to the recording on your own time! 

In addition to the group calls, we will be working with lifestyle changes which might mean changing your schedule, finding time for new habits, as well as diet changes which can mean reprioritizing time in the kitchen as you get into a new routine. 

What will I have to change or give up?

We’re going to be working with a basic elimination diet in the short term of the program, as well as some non-diet changes like movement, mindfulness & stress management. Depending on your starting point, and the symptoms you’re experiencing, dietary changes might look different from person to person. We will make these changes as a group starting on week 2 of the program, so we’ll have a chance to prep & get organized together. 

If you’re ready to finally take control of your frustrating chronic digestive symptoms, instead of having them control you, Digestion Therapy is for you!

Do you have more questions?

Feel free to shoot me an email at juliet@nutritionriot.com to see if Digestion Therapy is a good fit for you.


Becca struggled with chronic diarrhea, severe blistering on her skin, arthritis in her hands, as well as extreme fatigue & brain fog. We started with the gut (of course!). We worked on supporting liver function and adrenals alongside a gut healing protocol.

After re-examining her diet she noticed huge improvements in her arthritis. Restoring a healthier balance in her gut microbiome improved the diarrhea she’d had for years. Supporting the liver & adrenals, she noticed more energy and satisfaction after meals.

If Becca’s story resonates with you, and you want to learn more about how we can work together to address chronic gut issues, inflammation & hormonal imbalances please reach out.